25 de dezembro de 2011

Are you Experienced?

Boa noite e bem-vindo(a)!

Vou inaugurar meu blog, prestando uma homenagem a música originária do título. Essa música resume bem um estilo de música viajante e místico que tanto gosto. Além do que, acho bem bacana a letra, viajante também e com um primeiro verso inspirador. Outros ótimos exemplos de músicas viajantes e místicas pra mim são: Kashmir, The Battle of Evermore, The End, Venus In Furs, The Sunshine Underground, Eletric Feel, Seven Cities. Resumindo: "Not necessarily stoned, but beautiful".

Check the vídeo:

Check the lyrics:

Are You Experienced?

If you can just get your,... mind together
then come on across to me
We'll hold hands an' then we'll watch the sun rise
.....from the bottom of the sea
But first

Are You Experienced?
Ah! Have you ever been experienced?
Well, I have

I know, I know
you'll probably scream n' cry
That your little world won't let go!
But who in your measly little world are trying to prove that
You're made out of gold and -a can't be sold

So-uh, Are You Experienced?
Ah! Have you ever been experienced?
Well, I have

Ah, let me prove it to you,..........

Trumpets and violins like up here in the distance
I think they're calling our names
Maybe now you can't hear them, but you will ha
if you just, take hold of my hand

oh! But Are You Experienced?
Have you ever been experienced?

Not necessarily stoned, but beautiful

Um comentário:

  1. Welcome to the group of blogger! ;-)

    But be careful. you can become addicted, just like me!

    Congrats! Good luck!

    Your sister
